Apr72019Novità Dxtinct Day organized with great professionalism by Salone Gabryelle . Compliments for the great success of the day! Category: NovitàBy DxtinctSunday April 7th, 2019Tags: beautifulbeautycuneodxtinctDxtinct dayhairbeautyhairstyleitalymade in italymadeinitalymondovìmycarephilosph Author: Dxtinct Post navigationPreviousPrevious post:Dxtinct accompanies its products with many materialsNextNext post:About usRelated Posts(Italiano) Vi presentiamo Dmix il nuovo sistema di miscelazione universale27 November 2019Here are some testimonials from those who have tried our products9 September 2019(Italiano) È arrivato Equalizer1 July 2019Sweet hairspray Normal & Strong Hold21 June 2019Velvet hand cream21 May 2019About us10 April 2019